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This Morning

As I walked this morning my worries died.
As I hit the Thames, I became inspired.
Reverently I passed the Royal Festival Hall.
Offering entertainment for one and for all.

Under Blackfriars and on to the Tate Modern.
Trees filter light and wake the down trodden.
Past the Globe, the home of many an act.
As I pass I am thinking of a brand new pact.

I am starting to feel the cobbles under foot.
Sweat starts to glisten as I trip over a root.
Plough on regardless under Southwark Bridge.
Now the Anchor is in sight, believe me I wish.

Away from the water and down Clink Street.
My back is starting to ache and so are my feet.
Down Tooley Street, I am so nearly there….
By now I’m a sweaty mess, but hey do I care?



Makes me think that ...

If you can do it walking to work can be invigorating and energising. You breathe the air and pass the sights.


Lorraine Ansell

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This poem is narrated by Lorraine Ansell​ a British female voice over artist who is graciously supporting WorkInWords.

Screenshot 2019-02-08 16.18.01.png

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