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The Curtain's up

Fortuitous though it may be, the curtain’s been raised.

I am sitting in a pub, content, happy and slightly amazed.

There’s me, five staff and a bucket of sanitiser.

Like a diseased mad cow, I fear a taser.

I'm weighing up the pros and cons while wading into my third.

It’s gilt edged déjà vu, with a slight smell of turd.

The bar maid is thin haired with dodgy teeth.

A social veneer, wafer thin and nothing beneath.

I’m on my fifth and starting to worry about a name.

I saw it as a curtain raiser, but maybe it’s an end game.

I move to seven and things just will be.

It's not just a pubs name, it's curtains for me.



Makes me think that ...

In July 2020 the Covid 19 lockdown is winding out and people are returning to work places and routines. For many it's been a long time working in the spare room, on the dinning room table or on their lap. A range of activities have been missed, not least socialising at the end of the shift. The Curtain's Up is the first in a trilogy marking the event.

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Image, Drapery, Emily Halper, United States

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