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Societal reboot

Things ain’t working right, but I guess I’ll just keep going.
Then the blue screen appears, always a near fatal warning.
Reboot and start again, the end of operational subprime.
System defragged, outlook restored, maybe just in time?
What’s ahead, a brand new value matrix, a shift of society?
Rebalanced on a new set of scales, new sense of proprietary?
Much valued friends, resources, the cessation of all greed?
Respect for things you hold dear, things you actually need? 
Air that you can breathe again and key services that perform.
Work patterns changed, new life, from a technological storm. 
New dedication to loved ones and the rock that is friendship.
But not without bitter loss and definitely not without hardship. 
A biblical plague of locusts descending on supermarket fare.
A now defunct minority, exposed for their lack of social care.
The loss of precious life, seeds for the storm flower to grow.
The lasting legacy of unilateral strife, pain we will all know.
I am living in a reboot and I’m taking time to look around.
Seeing good things and bad things, they all feel more profound.
And as the blue screen flickers into life, a sense of normality.
I hope, with all that’s in me, this will be a much better reality.



Makes me think that ...

In the late winter, early spring and on into the summer of 2020 the world was brought to a stand still. The number who became ill and who died may never be truly known. The Covid 19 pandemic took its toll in so many ways and for many sparked a rethink of how we all live our lives.

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Lorraine Ansell

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