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PhD (reading 2)

The birth of an idea so powerful and bright,
You know you are the only one who is right.
You dance and you sing, you dream of greatness.
But slowly you tire confused in the sameness.

A middle aged thought is not as intriguing,
Your courage and strength somehow retreating.
Still, you persevere with few drops of wisdom,
Intellectually imprisoned, too far from your freedom.

You are almost at death now your last breath is drawn,
You started as queen but you are now a pawn.
Till one day you die and witness rebirth,
Your ignorance brings you to the house of mirth!



Makes me think that ...

The work of an academic has many elements. More and more critical to reputation and promotion has been the act of research. The PhD is one of the most frequently used routes to getting a research training and to having it kite marked. Seryianis takes us on one of the many emotion routes through the experience.


Lorraine Ansell

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This poem is narrated by Lorraine Ansell​ a British female voice over artist who is graciously supporting WorkInWords.

Screenshot 2019-02-08 16.18.01.png

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