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Lost and Found

I never started out thinking everyone changes my life. 

That every bee buzzing past actually visits my beehive. 

I thought, you are either a rejector or collector. 

An investor in peoples’ lives or a relationship debtor. 

I gained pleasure from the whirlwind of past and new.

Not realising that all of that is actually shaping you. 

Many flavours make a decent honey. 

Blended through the joy of connectivity.

Not saying watching bees go past is either right or wrong. 

But real life’s experiences give a voice to sing this song 

So, I told my boy, my pride, my joy, love and be loved.

He told me, I do that dad, I don’t need to be shoved. 

I asked how’d you know that, what made you an old soul?

He replied, no knowledge required, just go with the glow.

I reflected, with ruefully, I must be a predictable sage. 

Contrasted with nascent wisdom from a lad, half my age.

He said this ain’t no karma shit or who the fuck is who.

Don’t measure who you’ve loved, but who has loved you. 

This really doesn’t need to be an angsty life rebound. 

Don’t pass it by, life is much more than simply lost and found.



Makes me think that ...

That which impacts us the impact we have on others can be profound even though we are not aware.


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Sarah Sheffield, Bee Buzz

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