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Little steps turn into massive leaps

As you track your toddler across the floor,
His first ever steps naturally lead to more.
As you worry about his sense of balance,
It soon becomes one of his many talents.

As you worry about the first day at school,
He shrugs his shoulders and acts all cool.
As you watch uncoordinated attempts at sport,
Suddenly he is playing, defying your thoughts.

As you worry about his size and weight,
He shoots up tall, now his body is taut.
As you worry he’ll be shy, as an only child,
Look he is up on stage, singing, it’s wild!

As you panic, can he keep up, do all these exams,
Seven A’s and two B’s say that he surely can.
In the blink of an eye, first small steps gone,
Now leaping, bounding, a brave new dawn.



Makes me think that ...

There are many reasons for going to work. There are innumerable books and articles, videos and audios trying to illuminate them all. There is little doubt however, that watching babies become toddlers, toddlers become children and children become adults is high up there.


Lorraine Ansell

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This poem is narrated by Lorraine Ansell a British female voice over artist who is graciously supporting WorkInWords.

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