What's work like for you in the pandemic?

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Feature, written by Paul Frost.

How different all life is at the moment. In ways that only a short time ago we could never have imagined. It's true that the nature, form and extent of this 'new normal' varies, as does the way we experience it. That said, and in a most arresting way, it is hard to comprehend that the whole world has a 'new normal' on this scale and we all share this new state for the same common reason.

Amongst the most changed experiences are those we are having in our work. Whilst many are sent home to work some are sent home to sit and wait for the organisations to reopen, for their jobs to be permitted again At the same time others are required to continue to go work. Be that work indoors, in the open air, or moving around. Many continue to go to work to get us to our work. In almost all of these new working situations furlough, layoffs, home working and most worryingly illness has had a dramatic impact on the number of those available to do what needs to be done. Interestingly, short of staff is not the situation everyone is experiencing. In some sectors new and inexperienced staff are our colleagues. Sectors such as food retailers and home delivery companies report the need to hire more staff. Staff who only a short time ago were engaged in a very different sector. Sectors such as travel, tourism, hospitality, music, entertainment, art, culture to name but a few are steadily feeling decimated and staff are seeking an income where ever it is available.

At WorkInWords we're interested in hearing everyone's story. Why not take a few moments now to type a few lines, a few notes, prose or a poem to express how the pandemic has impacted on you, and your family's experiences of work.

Follow this link to an general introduction to be able to 'tell it like it is' for you and those you know. https://www.workinwords.net/your-input

If you prefer to publish your own poem now and directly on the website you can use this link: https://www.workinwords.net/publish-poem-in-workinwords

If you want to publish notes or prose on your experiences now and directly on the website you can use this link: https://www.workinwords.net/publishmyworkmywords

I look forward to hearing from you and reading what it's like.

Paul Frost, editor@workinwords.net


Image credit: “Moody Little Guy” Elizabeth Lana.